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    Coat-of-Arms Issues    

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C o a t - o f - A r m s   I s s u e s
H e r e d i t a r y   S y m b o l s ,   C o u n t r i e s ,   P r o f e s s i o n s   &   M o r e
  Picture     ♦     Cart     ♦     Country     ♦     Cat #     ♦     Condition     ♦     Price     ♦     Description
 CartAlgeria    # 166    MH    $ 0.15   •   1943 Coat of Arms/Surcharge
InventoryCartAlgeria    # 210-25    MH    $ 5.25   •   1947-1949 Coats of Arms Issue
InventoryCartAlgeria    # 285    MH    $ 19.90   •   1958 Coat of Arms Issue
InventoryCartAlgeria    # B96    MH    $ 1.20   •   1958 Coat of Arms/Foundation
InventoryCartAlgeria    # B96    MNH    $ 1.65   •   1958 Coat of Arms/Foundation
InventoryCartAndorra/Fr    # 143-53    MNH    $ 40.15   •   1961 Arms-Scenic Views
InventoryCartAndorra/Fr    # 143-53    MH    $ 33.50   •   1961 Arms-Scenic Views
 CartAndorra/Fr    # 234    MNH    $ 0.60   •   1974 Coat of Arms/Cahors Bridge
 CartAndorra/Fr    # 256    MNH    $ 0.55   •   1977 Institute/Digest-Arms
 CartAndorra/Fr    # 310-18    MNH    $ 2.45   •   1983 Coats of Arms Issue
 Catalog CartAndorra/Fr    # 351    MNH    $ 0.95   •   1987 Arms/Royalty Visit
 Catalog CartAndorra/Sp    # 134-42    MNH    $ 2.90   •   1982 National Coat-of-Arms
InventoryCartAngola    # 448-88    MH    $ 24.85   •   1963 Coat of Arms Issue
 CartAntigua    # 193-94    MNH    $ 0.25   •   1967 Coat of Arms/Treaty
 CartArgentina    # 1224    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1978 Bahia Blanca View-Arms
 Catalog CartAustralia    # 304    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1957 Coat of Arms/So. Australia
 CartAustralia    # 353    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1963 Coat of Arms/Walter Griffin
 Catalog CartAustralia    # 628    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1976 Coat of Arms/Kangaroo
InventoryCartAustria    # 598    MNH    $ 1.30   •   1954 Arms/Printing Anniversary
 Catalog CartAustria    # 598    MH    $ 1.05   •   1954 Arms/Printing Anniversary
 CartAustria    # 645    MNH    $ 0.25   •   1959 Coat of Arms/Tyrol
 Catalog CartAustria    # 673    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1961 Coat of Arms/Burgenland
 CartAustria    # 761    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1966 Coat of Arms/Exhibition
 CartAustria    # 784    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1966 Coat of Arms/University
 CartAustria    # 794    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1967 Vienna/View and Arms
 Catalog CartAustria    # 820-22    MNH    $ 0.65   •   1968 Coat of Arms/Portrait
 Catalog CartAustria    # 883    MH    $ 0.15   •   1970 Coat of Arms/Carinthian
 Catalog CartAustria    # 883    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1970 Coat of Arms/Carinthian
 CartAustria    # 901    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1971 Coat-of-Arms/Kitzbuhel
 Catalog CartAustria    # 905    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1971 Coat of Arms/Burgenland
 Catalog CartAustria    # 930    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1972 Arms/Agriculture University
 Catalog CartAustria    # 951    MNH    $ 0.35   •   1973 Arms/Leather Chemists
 CartAustria    # 1042a-i    Used    $ 1.80   •   1976 Coat-of-Arms (Singles)
 CartAustria    # 1042a-i    MNH    $ 1.75   •   1976 Coat-of-Arms (Singles)
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1060    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1977 Coat-of-Arms Issue
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1065    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1977 Coat-of-Arms/EUCEPA
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1123    Used    $ 0.15   •   1979 Coat-of-Arms/Innviertel
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1123    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1979 Coat-of-Arms/Innviertel
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1125    Used    $ 0.15   •   1979 Coat-of-Arms/Rottenmann
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1125    MNH    $ 0.50   •   1979 Coat-of-Arms/Rottenmann
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1142    MNH    $ 0.35   •   1980 Arms of Baden
 CartAustria    # 1207    Used    $ 0.20   •   1982 Printer's Guild Arms
 CartAustria    # 1207    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1982 Printer's Guild Arms
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1212    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1982 Coat-of-Arms/Gfohl
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1239    Used    $ 0.15   •   1983 Coat-of-Arms/Gottweig
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1239    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1983 Coat-of-Arms/Gottweig
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1270    Used    $ 0.20   •   1984 View-Arms/Kostendorf
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1270    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1984 View-Arms/Kostendorf
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1276    Used    $ 0.20   •   1984 View-Arms/Vocklabruck
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1276    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1984 View-Arms/Vocklabruck
 CartAustria    # 1317    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1985 UN Anniversary/Emblem-Arms
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1325    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1985 View/Municipal Arms
 CartAustria    # 1345    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1986 Castle-Arms of Styria
 Catalog CartAustria    # 1398    MNH    $ 0.45   •   1987 Lace/Municipal Arms
InventoryCartAustria    # B264    MH    $ 4.20   •   1949 Coat of Arms 40+10g Val
InventoryCartAustria    # B264-7    MNH    $ 21.75   •   1949 Coats-of-Arms Issue
InventoryCartAustria    # B264-7    MNH    $ 21.85   •   1949 Coats-of-Arms Issue
InventoryCartAustria    # B265    MH    $ 3.50   •   1949 Coat of Arms 60+15g Val
InventoryCartAustria    # B265    MNH    $ 4.40   •   1949 Coat of Arms 60+15g Val
InventoryCartAustria    # B266    MNH    $ 4.40   •   1949 Coat of Arms 1s+25g Val
InventoryCartAustria    # B266    MH    $ 3.50   •   1949 Coat of Arms 1s+25g Val
InventoryCartAustria    # B267    MNH    $ 6.60   •   1949 Coat of Arms 1.60s+40g Val
InventoryCartAustria    # B267    MH    $ 5.30   •   1949 Coat of Arms 1.60s+40g Val
 Catalog CartAustria    # B298    MNH    $ 0.35   •   1956 Arms of Austria Issue
InventoryCartBelgium    # 270    Used    $ 0.30   •   1935 Arms 25c Val w/Label
 CartBelgium    # 610    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1964 Arms of Ostend/Millennium
 CartBelgium    # 694-95    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1967 Coats of Arms/Universities
 Catalog CartBelgium    # 795    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1970 Coat of Arms
 Catalog CartBelgium    # 813    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1971 Tomb/Coat of Arms
InventoryCartBelgium    # B416    MNH    $ 2.05   •   1945 Coat-of-Arms 5+45fr Val
 Catalog CartCanada    # 400    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1962 Coats of Arms/Highway
 CartCanada    # 417-9A    MNH    $ 1.95   •   1964-1966 Coats of Arms/Plants
 Catalog CartCanada    # 1003    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1983 Dalhousie Law School Arms
InventoryCartCanada    # E8    MH    $ 13.50   •   1938 Coat of Arms 20c Val
InventoryCartCanada    # E8    MH    $ 13.50   •   1938 Coat of Arms 20c Val
InventoryCartCanada    # E9    MNH    $ 2.40   •   1939 Surcharge / Arms
InventoryCartCanada    # E9    MNH    $ 6.60   •   1939 Surcharge / Arms
InventoryCartCanada    # E10    MH    $ 2.20   •   1942 Arms-Flags
 Catalog CartChile    # 286-87    MNH    $ 0.40   •   1955 Coat-of-Arms/Exhibition
 Catalog CartChile    # 384    MNH    $ 0.35   •   1970 Ship/Coat of Arms
 CartChristmas Isl    # 85    MNH    $ 0.25   •   1977 Map/Coat of Arms
 CartColombia    # 622,C255    MNH    $ 0.35   •   1954 Soldier-Map-Arms
 CartColombia    # 635,C269    MNH    $ 0.45   •   1955 Flags-Arms-Soldiers
 CartColombia    # C255    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1954 Soldier-Map-Arms
 Catalog CartColombia    # C654    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1977 Cauca University/Arms
InventoryCartCuba    # 283    MNH    $ 18.00   •   1927 Arms/25th Anniversary
 CartCzech    # 2297-0    MNH    $ 0.60   •   1980 Coats-of-Arms
 CartDahomey    # 259-0,C101    MNH    $ 1.45   •   1969 Coat-of-Arms Issue
 Catalog CartEgypt    # 499    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1960 Arms/Flag
 Catalog CartEgypt    # 541    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1961 Arms of UAR/Victory Day
 CartEgypt    # 567    MNH    $ 0.25   •   1962 Rocket Launch/Coat of Arms
InventoryCartEgypt    # B26-28    MH    $ 3.95   •   1964 Post Day Issue/Coat-of-Arms
InventoryCartEgypt    # B26-28    MNH    $ 5.10   •   1964 Post Day Issue/Coat-of-Arms
InventoryCartFinland    # 316    MH    $ 0.60   •   1954 Arms of Finland 10m Val
InventoryCartFinland    # 317    MH    $ 2.15   •   1954 Arms of Finland 15m Val
InventoryCartFinland    # 318    MH    $ 3.95   •   1957 Arms of Finland 15m Val
InventoryCartFinland    # 319    MH    $ 6.70   •   1954 Arms of Finland 20m Val
InventoryCartFinland    # 321    MH    $ 2.15   •   1954 Arms of Finland 25m Val
InventoryCartFinland    # 322    MH    $ 5.75   •   1959 Arms of Finland 25m Val
InventoryCartFinland    # 323    MH    $ 1.15   •   1956 Arms of Finland 30m Val
InventoryCartFinland    # 379    MNH    $ 1.60   •   1961 Ship/Mariehamn-Arms
 CartFinland    # 459    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1968 Finland Arms 4p Val
 CartFinland    # 482    MNH    $ 0.40   •   1969 Kemi Centenary/View-Arms
 CartFinland    # 516    MH    $ 1.55   •   1972 Map/Arms of Aland
 CartFinland    # 564-65    MNH    $ 0.70   •   1979 Issues Only/Coat-of-Arms
 Catalog CartFinland    # 607    Used    $ 0.20   •   1978 Kotka Arms-Harbor-Factory
 Catalog CartFinland    # 607    MNH    $ 0.35   •   1978 Kotka Arms-Harbor-Factory
 CartFinland    # 629    MNH    $ 0.25   •   1981 Coat-of-Arms 1m Val
 CartFinland    # 631    MNH    $ 0.35   •   1983 Coat-of-Arms 1.30m Val
 CartFinland    # 632    MNH    $ 0.40   •   1984 Coat-of-Arms 1.40m Val
 Catalog CartFinland    # 710    MNH    $ 0.70   •   1985 Coat of Arms and Seal
 Catalog CartFinland    # 711    MNH    $ 0.45   •   1986 Coat of Arms 1.60m Val
 Catalog CartFinland    # 712    MNH    $ 0.70   •   1987 Coat of Arms 1.70m Val
 Catalog CartFinland    # 713    MNH    $ 0.75   •   1988 Coat of Arms 1.80m Val
 CartFinland    # 713a    MNH    $ 2.05   •   1988 Definitive Issue/Booklet
 Catalog CartFinland    # 714    MNH    $ 0.65   •   1989 Coat of Arms 1.90m Val
 CartFinland    # B43    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1940 Finnish Arms
 CartFinland    # B54    MNH    $ 0.40   •   1943 Arms 50+5p Val
 CartFinland    # B56    MNH    $ 1.05   •   1943 Arms 3.50+35p Val
 CartFinland    # B57    MNH    $ 2.50   •   1943 Arms 4.50+45p Val
 CartFrance    # 460    MH    $ 0.15   •   1943 Arms/Lyons 5fr Val
 CartFrance    # 461    MH    $ 0.20   •   1943 Arms/Brittany 10fr Val
 CartFrance    # 896    MH    $ 0.15   •   1958 Coat of Arns/Marseille 50c Val
 CartFrance    # 898    MH    $ 0.15   •   1958 Coat of Arms/Toulouse 80c Val
 CartFrance    # 899    MH    $ 0.15   •   1958 Coat of Arms/Bordeaux 1fr Val
 CartFrance    # 900    MH    $ 0.15   •   1958 Coat of Arms/Nice 2fr Val
 CartFrance    # 901    MH    $ 0.15   •   1958 Coat of Arms/Nantes 3fr Val
 CartFrance    # 902    MH    $ 0.15   •   1958 Coat of Arms/Lille 5fr Val
 CartFrance    # 902    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1958 Coat of Arms/Lille 5fr Val
 CartFrance    # 902    Used    $ 0.15   •   1958 Coat of Arms/Lille 5fr Val
 CartFrance    # 903    MH    $ 0.15   •   1959 Coat of Arms/Algiers 15fr Val
 CartFrance    # 903    Used    $ 0.15   •   1959 Coat of Arms/Algiers 15fr Val
 CartFrance    # 973    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1960 Arms of Oran
 CartFrance    # 973    MH    $ 0.15   •   1960 Arms of Oran
 Catalog CartFrance    # 1040-2    MNH    $ 0.45   •   1962-1963 Coat of Arms
 CartFrance    # 1041    Used    $ 0.15   •   1963 Coat of Arms 10c Val
 CartFrance    # 1095    MH    $ 0.15   •   1965 Coat of Arms Paris 30c Val
 CartFrance    # 1095    Used    $ 0.15   •   1965 Coat of Arms Paris 30c Val
 CartFrance    # 1142-4    Used    $ 0.40   •   1966 Cities/Coats-of-Arms Issue
 CartFrance    # 1216    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1968 Coats of Arms
 CartFrance    # 1222    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1968 Corsica/Coat of Arms
 CartFrance    # 1553    MH    $ 0.25   •   1977 Arms of Burgundy
InventoryCartFrance    # B117-8    MH    $ 16.50   •   1941 Coat of Arms Issue
 Catalog CartFrance    # B190    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1944 Stamp Day/Arms
InventoryCartGermany    # 729-30    MNH    $ 5.25   •   1955 Coat-of-Arms
 Catalog CartGermany    # 765    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1957 Coat of Arms/Aschaffenburg
 Catalog CartGermany    # 863    MH    $ 0.15   •   1963 Country Arms/Conference
 Catalog CartGermany    # 863    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1963 Country Arms/Conference
 Catalog CartGermany    # 863    Used    $ 0.25   •   1963 Country Arms/Conference
 CartGermany    # 1202    MH    $ 0.15   •   1975 Stamp Day/Arms
 CartGermany    # 1202    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1975 Stamp Day/Arms
 CartGermany    # 1202    Used    $ 0.15   •   1975 Stamp Day/Arms
 Catalog CartGermany    # 1255    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1977 Coat of Arms/Bishop Ketteler
 CartGermany    # 1513    MNH    $ 0.55   •   1987 Cathederal/Arms/Bremen
 CartGermany    # 1513    Used    $ 0.20   •   1987 Cathederal/Arms/Bremen
 Catalog CartGermany    # 1644    MNH    $ 0.45   •   1991 Coats-of-Arms
 Catalog CartGermany    # 1699    MNH    $ 0.75   •   1992 Arms/Baden 100pf Val
 Catalog CartGermany    # 1700    MNH    $ 0.75   •   1992 Arms/Bavaria 100pf Val
 Catalog CartGermany    # 1701    MNH    $ 0.75   •   1992 Arms/Berlin 100pf Val
 Catalog CartGermany    # 1705    MNH    $ 0.60   •   1993 Arms/Hesse 100pf Val
 Catalog CartGermany    # 1706    MNH    $ 0.60   •   1993 Arms/Mecklenburg 100pf Val
 Catalog CartGermany    # 1708    MNH    $ 0.60   •   1993 Arms/North Rhine 100pf Val
 Catalog CartGermany    # 1709    MNH    $ 0.60   •   1993 Arms/Rhineland 100pf Val
 Catalog CartGermany    # 1710    MNH    $ 0.65   •   1994 Arms/Saar 100pf Val
 Catalog CartGermany    # 1711    MNH    $ 0.65   •   1994 Arms/Saxony 100pf Val
 CartGermany    # 9N116-7    MH    $ 2.05   •   1955 Coat-of-Arms/Berlin
InventoryCartGermany    # 9N118-9    MNH    $ 2.95   •   1956 Coat-of-Arms/Berlin
 CartGermany DDR    # 1222    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1970 Arms-Flags/DDR-Poland
 CartGermany DDR    # 1314    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1971 Mongolian Coat-of-Arms
 CartGermany DDR    # 1424    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1972 Russian Coat-of-Arms
 CartGermany DDR    # 2548    MNH    $ 0.45   •   1986 Coat of Arms 50pf Val
 CartGermany DDR    # 2794-7    MNH    $ 1.40   •   1990 Coats-of-Arms/Insignia
 CartGermany DDR    # 2798    MNH    $ 1.95   •   1990 Coats-of-Arms (Blk/4)
 CartGibraltar    # 280    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1971 Coat of Arms
 CartGreat Britain    # 250    Used    $ 0.90   •   1939 Coat of Arms/KG VI
InventoryCartGB Isle Man    # J1a-8a    MNH    $ 2.50   •   1973 Dues/Coat of Arms
 CartGB Isle Man    # J9-16    MNH    $ 2.40   •   1975 Dues/Coat of Arms
InventoryCartGB Jersey    # 137-55    MNH    $ 7.85   •   1976-1977 Definitive Issue
 Catalog CartHungary    # 2310    MNH    $ 0.85   •   1974 Expo/Stamp-on-Stamp
 Catalog CartIceland    # 520    MNH    $ 0.75   •   1979 Coat of Arms/Home Rule
 CartIsrael    # 386-93    MNH    $ 1.65   •   1969-1973 Town Emblems/Arms
 CartItaly    # 768-69    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1959 Coats of Arms
 Catalog CartItaly    # 932    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1966 Coats of Arms
 CartIvory Coast    # C28    MH    $ 2.25   •   1964 Arms of Republic
InventoryCartLiechtenstein    # 11    MH    $ 1.10   •   1920 Coat of Arms O/P 5h Val
InventoryCartLiechtenstein    # 18    MH    $ 0.15   •   1920 Coat of Arms 5h Val
InventoryCartLiechtenstein    # 20    MH    $ 0.15   •   1920 Coat of Arms 15h Val
 Catalog CartLiechtenstein    # 386-89    MH    $ 0.80   •   1964 Coats of Arms Issue
 Catalog CartLiechtenstein    # 386-89    MNH    $ 1.00   •   1964 Coats of Arms Issue
 CartLiechtenstein    # 396-99    MNH    $ 1.10   •   1965 Coats of Arms Issue
 CartLiechtenstein    # 411-14    MNH    $ 0.75   •   1966 Coats of Arms
 Catalog CartLiechtenstein    # 446    MNH    $ 0.35   •   1968 Coat of Arms/Wedding
 CartLiechtenstein    # 452    MNH    $ 1.25   •   1969 Coat of Arms
 CartLiechtenstein    # 462-64    MNH    $ 1.10   •   1969 Coat of Arms Issue
 Catalog CartLiechtenstein    # 475-77    MNH    $ 0.55   •   1970 Coat of Arms Issue
 Catalog CartLiechtenstein    # 486-88    MNH    $ 0.85   •   1971 Coat of Arms Issue
InventoryCartLiechtenstein    # 533    MNH    $ 2.00   •   1973 Coats of Arms Issue
 CartLiechtenstein    # 704-07    MH    $ 1.25   •   1981 Coat of Arms Issue
InventoryCartLuxembourg    # 20    Used    $ 3.60   •   1871 Coat of Arms 12 1/2c Val
InventoryCartLuxembourg    # B198-3    MNH    $ 5.75   •   1957 Coat-of-Arms
 Catalog CartLuxembourg    # B210-5    MNH    $ 4.00   •   1959 Coat of Arms
InventoryCartLuxembourg    # B332-6    MNH    $ 1.80   •   1981 Coats of Arms Issue
InventoryCartMali    # o20    MH    $ 0.35   •   1964 Coat of Arms 85fr Val
InventoryCartMali    # o21    MH    $ 0.45   •   1964 Coat of Arms 100fr Val
InventoryCartMali    # o22    MH    $ 0.80   •   1964 Coat of Arms 200fr Val
 CartMexico    # 941    MNH    $ 0.35   •   1963 University/Arms
 CartMexico    # 1002    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1969 Arms of Veracrux
 CartMexico    # 1029    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1970 Celaya/Coat of Arms
 Catalog CartMexico    # 1037    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1971 Arms of Monterrey
 Catalog CartMexico    # C306    MNH    $ 0.55   •   1965 King-Queen Belgium/Arms
 CartMexico    # C465    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1975 Coat of Arms/Mexico City
 CartMexico    # C545    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1977 Coat of Arms
 Catalog CartMonaco    # 1338    MNH    $ 0.50   •   1982 Cathedral/Coat-of-Arms
InventoryCartMozambique    # 416    Used    $ 0.15   •   1961 Coat-of-Arms 3e Val
InventoryCartMozambique    # 418    MH    $ 0.20   •   1961 Coat-of-Arms 4.50e Val
InventoryCartMozambique    # 419    Used    $ 0.15   •   1961 Coat-of-Arms 5e Val
InventoryCartMozambique    # 420    Used    $ 0.20   •   1961 Coat-of-Arms 7.50e Val
InventoryCartMozambique    # 423    Used    $ 0.80   •   1961 Coat-of-Arms 50e Val
 CartNauru    # 159-60    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1978 Coat of Arms/Anniversary
 CartNew Zealand    # 473-75    MNH    $ 0.50   •   1971 Coat of Arms/Centenaries
 CartNew Zealand    # 615-19    MNH    $ 0.70   •   1977 Arms/Emblems (#617a,9a)
InventoryCartNorway    # 1    Used    $ 102.30   •   1855 Coat of Arms Issue
InventoryCartNorway    # 1    Used    $ 108.90   •   1855 Coat of Arms Issue
InventoryCartNorway    # 1    Used    $ 110.55   •   1855 Coat of Arms Issue
InventoryCartNorway    # 1    Used    $ 99.00   •   1855 Coat of Arms Issue
InventoryCartNorway    # 1    Used    $ 107.25   •   1855 Coat of Arms Issue
InventoryCartNorway    # 1    Used    $ 100.65   •   1855 Coat of Arms Issue
InventoryCartNorway    # o38    MNH    $ 1.75   •   1939 Coat of Arms 25o Val
 CartNorway    # o38A    Used    $ 0.15   •   1946 Coat of Arms 25o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o39    MNH    $ 1.50   •   1939 Coat of Arms 30o Val
 CartNorway    # o40    Used    $ 0.30   •   1941 Coat of Arms 35o Val
 CartNorway    # o41A    Used    $ 0.25   •   1946 Coat of Arms 40o Val
 CartNorway    # o43    Used    $ 0.25   •   1941 Coat of Arms 100o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o47    MH    $ 0.75   •   1944 Nazi Party Emblem 15o Val
 CartNorway    # o58    Used    $ 0.25   •   1951 Coat of Arms 5o Val
 CartNorway    # o59    Used    $ 0.15   •   1951 Coat of Arms 10o Val
 CartNorway    # o62    Used    $ 0.45   •   1952 Coat of Arms 35o Val
 CartNorway    # o63    Used    $ 0.15   •   1951 Coat of Arms 60o Val
 CartNorway    # o64    Used    $ 0.40   •   1952 Coat of Arms 100o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o65    MH    $ 0.15   •   1955 Coat of Arms 5o Val
 CartNorway    # o65    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1955 Coat of Arms 5o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o66    Used    $ 0.15   •   1955 Coat of Arms 10o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o66    MH    $ 0.15   •   1955 Coat of Arms 10o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o67    MH    $ 0.30   •   1955 Coat of Arms 15o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o68    MH    $ 0.25   •   1957 Coat of Arms 20o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o69    MNH    $ 0.40   •   1959 Coat of Arms 25o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o69    MH    $ 0.35   •   1959 Coat of Arms 25o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o70    MH    $ 1.45   •   1955 Coat of Arms 30o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o71    MH    $ 0.25   •   1955 Coat of Arms 35o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o71    Used    $ 0.15   •   1955 Coat of Arms 35o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o72    Used    $ 0.15   •   1955 Coat of Arms 40o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o72    MH    $ 0.55   •   1955 Coat of Arms 40o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o73    MH    $ 0.55   •   1958 Coat of Arms 45o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o74    MH    $ 1.45   •   1957 Coat of Arms 50o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o75    MH    $ 5.90   •   1955 Coat of Arms 60o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o75    Used    $ 0.30   •   1955 Coat of Arms 60o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o76    MH    $ 2.50   •   1955 Coat of Arms 70o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o76    MH    $ 2.55   •   1955 Coat of Arms 70o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o77    MH    $ 9.80   •   1957 Coat of Arms 75o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o77    MH    $ 9.60   •   1957 Coat of Arms 75o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o78    MH    $ 3.15   •   1958 Coat of Arms 80o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o78    Used    $ 0.50   •   1958 Coat of Arms 80o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o78    MH    $ 3.30   •   1958 Coat of Arms 80o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o79    MH    $ 0.50   •   1958 Coat of Arms 90o Val
 CartNorway    # o80    Used    $ 0.15   •   1957 Coat of Arms 1k Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o81    MH    $ 1.45   •   1960 Coat of Arms 2k Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o81    MNH    $ 1.75   •   1960 Coat of Arms 2k Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o82    MH    $ 3.30   •   1961 Coat of Arms 5k Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o84    MNH    $ 1.20   •   1968 Coat of Arms 40o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o86    MNH    $ 0.40   •   1969 Coat of Arms 50o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o88    MNH    $ 1.05   •   1968 Coat of Arms 65o Val
 CartNorway    # o89    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1970 Coat of Arms 70o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o91    MNH    $ 0.55   •   1974 Coat of Arms 85o Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o92    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1973 Coat of Arms 1k Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o92    MH    $ 0.25   •   1973 Coat of Arms 1k Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o93    MNH    $ 0.60   •   1974 Coat of Arms 1.10k Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o110    MNH    $ 0.60   •   1975 Coat of Arms 2k Val
InventoryCartNorway    # o114    MNH    $ 1.05   •   1977 Coat of Arms 5k Val
InventoryCartPhilippines    # 557    MNH    $ 0.85   •   1951 Arms of Manila 5c Val
InventoryCartPhilippines    # 558    MNH    $ 0.55   •   1951 Arms of Manila 6c Val
InventoryCartPhilippines    # 559    MNH    $ 0.40   •   1951 Arms of Manila 18c Val
InventoryCartPhilippines    # 563    MNH    $ 0.90   •   1951 Arms of Zamboanga 5c Val
InventoryCartPhilippines    # 566    MNH    $ 0.90   •   1951 Arms of Iloilo 5c Val
 CartPoland    # 3127-1    MNH    $ 1.10   •   1992 National Coats-of-Arms
InventoryCartPortugal    # 844-45    MNH    $ 8.10   •   1959 Arms of Aveiro
InventoryCartPortugal    # 844-45    MH    $ 6.20   •   1959 Arms of Aveiro
InventoryCartPortugal    # 845    MNH    $ 7.15   •   1959 Arms of Aveiro 5e Val
InventoryCartPortugal    # 1036    MNH    $ 2.35   •   1969 Coat of Arms 3.50e Val
InventoryCartPortugal    # 1057    MNH    $ 1.65   •   1969 Coat of Arms 2.80e Val
InventoryCartReunion    # 305    Used    $ 0.25   •   1954 Coat-of-Ams 1/2fr Val
 Catalog CartSaar    # 262    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1957 Saar Coat of Arms
 Catalog CartSaar    # 262    MH    $ 0.15   •   1957 Saar Coat of Arms
 CartSaar    # 285    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1957 Merzig/Arms and Church
 CartSo Africa    # 198-99    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1954 Arms/Orange Free State
 CartSpain    # 2213    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1980 Bourbon Coat of Arms
 CartSweden    # 474    MH    $ 0.15   •   1955 Centenary/Arms 25o Val
InventoryCartSweden    # 474-76    MNH    $ 0.90   •   1955 Centenary/Arms (#476 Pair)
InventoryCartSweden    # 474-76    MH    $ 0.75   •   1955 Stamp Centenary/Arms
 CartSweden    # 475    Used    $ 0.20   •   1955 Centenary/Arms 40o Val
InventoryCartSweden    # 475    MH    $ 0.55   •   1955 Centenary/Arms 40o Val
 CartSweden    # 476a    MNH    $ 4.70   •   1955 Centenary/Arms/Booklet
InventoryCartSweden    # 479-83    MH    $ 4.75   •   1955 Stamp Centenary/Arms
InventoryCartSweden    # 479    MNH    $ 1.15   •   1955 Centenary/Arms 3o Val
InventoryCartSweden    # 480    MNH    $ 1.15   •   1955 Centenary/Arms 4o Val
InventoryCartSweden    # 481    MNH    $ 1.15   •   1955 Centenary/Arms 6o Val
InventoryCartSweden    # 482    MNH    $ 1.15   •   1955 Centenary/Arms 8o Val
 Catalog CartSweden    # 827    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1969 Coat of Arms 55o Val
InventoryCartSweden    # 1403-6    MNH    $ 4.15   •   1982 Coat of Arms (Attached)
InventoryCartSweden    # 1406a    MNH    $ 28.60   •   1982 Coat of Arms / Booklet
InventoryCartSweden    # 1456-9    MNH    $ 4.15   •   1983 Coats of Arms (Attached)
InventoryCartSweden    # 1492-5    MNH    $ 4.15   •   1984 Coat-of-Arms (Blk/4)
InventoryCartSweden    # 1592-5    MNH    $ 4.15   •   1986 Coat of Arms (Attached)
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # 200    Used    $ 1.80   •   1924 Coat of Arms 90c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # 201    Used    $ 3.50   •   1924 Coat of Arms 1.20fr Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # 280    Used    $ 0.40   •   1941 Bern/Knight-Arms
 CartSwitzerland    # 466    MH    $ 0.20   •   1965 Coats-of-Arms/Emblems
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B10-11    MH    $ 14.05   •   1918 Coat-of-Arms Issue
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B13    MH    $ 1.90   •   1919 Arms-Vaud 10c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B14    MNH    $ 6.20   •   1919 Arms-Obwalden 15c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B16    MH    $ 3.90   •   1920 Zurich Arms 10c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B23    MH    $ 0.70   •   1922 Arms/Lucerne 20c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B23    Used    $ 1.35   •   1922 Arms/Lucerne 20c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B25-28    MH    $ 5.65   •   1923 Coat-of-Arms Issue
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B27    Used    $ 1.70   •   1923 Arms/Neuchatel 20c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B34    MH    $ 0.20   •   1925 Arms-Appenzell 10c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B37    MH    $ 0.20   •   1926 Arms/Thurgau 5c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B37-40    MNH    $ 4.15   •   1926 Coat-of-Arms Issue
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B38    MH    $ 0.20   •   1926 Arms/Basel 10c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B40    MH    $ 0.65   •   1926 Arms/Switzerland 30c Val
 CartSwitzerland    # B201    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1951 Coat-of-Arms 5+5c Val
 CartSwitzerland    # B212    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1952 Coat of Arms 5+5c Val
 CartSwitzerland    # B459-2    MNH    $ 1.65   •   1978 Pro Juventute/Arms
 CartSwitzerland    # B467-0    MNH    $ 1.85   •   1979 Pro Juventute/Arms
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B467    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1979 Coat of Arms 20+10c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B469    MNH    $ 0.55   •   1979 Coat of Arms 70+30c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B470    MNH    $ 0.70   •   1979 Coat of Arms 80+40c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B475    MNH    $ 0.20   •   1980 Coat of Arms 20+10c Val
 CartSwitzerland    # B475-8    MNH    $ 2.00   •   1980 Pro Juventute/Arms
 CartSwitzerland    # B484-7    MNH    $ 2.00   •   1981 Pro Juventute/Arms
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B485    MNH    $ 0.35   •   1981 Coat of Arms 40+20c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B486    MNH    $ 0.55   •   1981 Coat of Arms 70+30c Val
InventoryCartSwitzerland    # B487    MNH    $ 0.70   •   1981 Coat of Arms 80+40c Val
InventoryCartTonga    # 99    MNH    $ 1.25   •   1951 Treaty/Arms 1sh Val
InventoryCartTrinidad Tobago    # 96    MNH    $ 7.00   •   1960 Colony Crest 15c Val (Blk/4)
 CartTunisia    # 525-28    MNH    $ 1.25   •   1969 Coat of Arms Issue
 CartUruguay    # 729    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1966 Arms/Rio de Janeiro
 CartUruguay    # 745    MNH    $ 0.15   •   1967 Coat-of-Arms/Carmelo
 Catalog CartUruguay    # 809    MNH    $ 0.30   •   1971 Arms of Durazno/Farmer
 CartVatican    # E15-16    MH    $ 0.25   •   1960 Papal Arms
 Catalog CartVatican    # J19-24    MH    $ 0.70   •   1968 Papal Arms
 Catalog CartVatican    # J19-24    MNH    $ 0.90   •   1968 Papal Arms
 CartVenezuela    # 833,C828    MNH    $ 1.50   •   1963 Bocono/Cathedral-Arms
 Catalog CartVenezuela    # 1164    MNH    $ 0.35   •   1977 Coat of Arms/Barinas
 CartYugoslavia    # 2036    MNH    $ 0.65   •   1990 Fortress/Coat-of-Arms


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